Nice to meet you!

As the mother of three young children, and a psychologist who works with children, educators and parents, I am all too familiar with the feelings of overwhelm and frustration.  

I have a daughter and two sons and the recent challenge of coping with remote learning and working from home is very familiar to me, like it is for many of you.
My kids have different needs, and that requires me to be flexible and creative to parent them the way they need to be parented. I learn from them every. single. day.

I've been trained in Educational and Developmental Psychology, completed research on maternal well-being in the context of differences in child temperament, and worked with hundreds of parents as a psychologist. I now lead a team of passionate professionals who share my vision of thriving children, mindful parents, connected families and harmonious communities.
I'm with you in the trenches and have my fair share of good days and bad just like you. I know for sure that my mindset is everything and can make or break my day. I invite you to join me as I continue to do the hard internal work I need to do and guide you to do the same. 
Let me share with you the insights I have learnt from my personal and professional experiences as we seek to become calmer, more confident parents together. 
Let's do this together >>

I know you

I really do. The reason I know you is because you and I have a lot in common.

Yep. I’ve got you.

I’m here to remind us all that if we react to our children's surface behaviour rather than the underlying cause, if we don't truly understand their or our emotional needs, and if we don't give ourselves the same love we give our children, we aren’t doing anyone any favours.

Doing things the way you always have will get you the same results you've always got. 

There is a way to keep your calm amongst the chaos.

You can be the parent you want to be.

It's time to try a new way. 

So what I’m trying to say is this:

If you’re a loving parent who wants to understand anger, anxiety and big reactions...both yours and those of the child you love, and you want to parent with calm, connection, compassion and confidence, you’re in the right place.

50% Complete

Two Step

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